Welp.... having had some time to process and put behind me the death of my long time mechanic friend, I've since begun getting back on track with the ongoing SHO rebuild project.
I am happy to report that the completed transmission arrived this morning. Pics posted below.
Also, being concerned about the fact that my electrical needs have increased substantially (primarily due to the massive audio system, but for other reasons as well) I began a quest to find higher output alternators.
I was able to source a vendor that makes an extremely high output alternator (for the forums edification, our stock alternator puts out 200amps max).
This new one will push out 370amps max.
I ordered one a couple of weeks ago, and due to requested customization on my end, the total turn around time is expected to be about 5 weeks. So should be in I'm guessing sometime beginning of May.
Here is a link:
370 Amp XP High Output Alternator (Ford Taurus 2010 3.5L Ecoboost) – DC Power Inc.
https://www.dcpowerinc.com/products/11271-370-xp-ford-taurus-2010-3-5l-ecoboost?rq=yr_2010~mk_ford~md_taurus~le_3-5lMy goal is to bring the black/white storm trooper like look into the engine bay as well. So besides the previous pics I posted of the motor being done, the trans casing as you can see has been done in black. The alternator will have black anodizing on the front, and the reverse will have billet.
So, although I was in a funk since last posting here, now that I've had time to mourn/process, I am excited once again to be back on track.
I spoke with the owner of Max Power, and had asked what's next as far as things to do. He explained that he's going to try and get as much assembled as possible, 1st. Then we'll get the shell of my car over to his facility to have motor/trans installed into the engine bay, and proceed from there. I expressed gratitude for his time/talents, and thanked him for the update(s).
Just wanted to pass along that progress has re-started. Hope everyone's well.

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