Well my build thread's been very quiet if any of you have noticed.
Why? Well wasn't really much for me to post.
After the motor was completed (back in October 2020) I've been spending the better part of 4 months now, trying to get some answers, any answers out of / from my long time mechanic friend regarding the transmission.
After a myriad of excuses, and delay upon delay he finally returned my OEM transmission to me on 01/22/2021.
Despite what I had been told previously, and then re-assured that work was performed on it, I have since confirmed that the transmission was never once touched, opened, inspected, or even worked on this entire time that he has had it in his possession. Which counting back now, was the better part of 20 months now. Ugh.
I'm really at a loss. I've been with him now for 18+ years and he has witnessed all 3 of my kids not only grow up, but has been instrumental in maintaining our fleet of cars during that entire time frame.
Customarily one would be really like super IDK..... pissed off at this, right? But I find myself more so feeling sorry for him. 2020 was not kind to him. It would not be appropriate for me to expound, or go into great detail. Not really for public consumption. Suffice to say, he is not well and appears to be struggling through numerous personal and business issues as a result. I wish him well and have left the door open to assisting him, if I even can.
That said and moving along, in the same breath, I must completely acknowledge and thank Max Power for immediately stepping into his place and offering to complete the SHO project. Continued custom fabrication work, final assembly, and even arranging for tuning when that time comes. They continue to impress me repeatedly and I can't thank them enough.
Max Power has communicated with an entirely new, and separate trans vendor, one that he personally vouched for, and spoke very highly of to take up this aspect of the project and run with it.
That new trans vendor has picked up my SHO transmission on 01/29/2021 and has already gone to town on it.
Here are some pictures of how the transmission appeared, when it was dropped off by the mechanic, to Max Power. Just ugly to see. I have no idea what happened during that entire time. In the next post, I'll place pictures of the trans disassembled.......

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