shodded- that's where i got mine when i moved the small SHO letters over to the console. & 68, i'm getting some metal letters from the place beck got them that just say SHO , just like his, mine's a '10 so am getting rid of all taurus mention with fender SHO's & on trunk lid moving the letters SHO to trunk left side & here's where a lot of guys will throw up. saw some car think it was an audi, or might have been the XTS has the letters TT on it, standing for twin turbo, so am going to try that. as i mentioned in a post some guys are debagers & some guys can't get enough & obviously i fall into that class. now to figure out what to do with 3 SHO/Ecoboost emblems, that still will be in in the mix. They may just be on something that i sit in my trunk when i go to shows.