Sorry I am late to this thread. You could have saved the time on the Morso test as there are videos and others that have done it already.
Same as the JLT.
Lets start at the Moroso (or Billet Prototypes, Diablosport, and 30 some others branded from the same manufacturer).
If you install a simple air compressor separator....$10-$15 behind it, you will see more passes through that design than it catches, and very simple to see why.
It has only app 1.5 oz's of capacity. This does not allow the flow through (velocity) to slow enough to prevent the Bernoulli effect from carrying droplets through with the flow. It is impossible. (The RX standard can is 12 oz's, Monster is over 22).
One weeks drain from the shop ecoboost f150 is 6-7 ozs's on average:

And side by side w/RX bottom:

Also look at the design:

Which side is the inlet, and which is the outlet? The coalescing media will trap oil on the side you use as the inlet, but it will also trap that same oil on the side used as the outlet (try this at home right now and see if I am BSing).
Take a wet wash cloth, put it to your mouth, now suck on it. What happens? Now, the flow and amount of suction from the PCV system is many times what you can produce with your mouth. Think about this.
Now, watch this video. This is on a Caddy CTSv with a ring/blow-by issue. Now a PD blower has least suction at idle, and greatest at top RPM. app 1/2 way how the oil is dripping down the right side at low rpms, and at high rpms it is pulled across from right to left and up and out the left side. That shows the Bernoulli effect over powering any possible chance for this to retain most of the oil and other compounds a proper separator will.
Now on to JLT (and ALL of these are first class quality in machining, appearance, etc, but no one considered all the pricniplas and functions needed to design an effective can. They all catch oil, even a beer can with 2 fittings will trap nearly as much as the Moroso if you test, you will see.
So, watch this video: is an excellent way to test, but they are using a GT 500 Mustang, again, a PD blower similar to the caddy CTS-V. But they never go above idle, so suction is at its lowest. We duplicated this test and as soon as you rev up on the dyno even with almost no oil already trapped, a good amount pulled right through.
Go back and watch it again. Now we tried this with a NA car that has suction at the highest at idle (same as a Turbo would) and it starts to show oil pull through as soon as you start to introduce the oil. You dont have to take my word for it, try this yourself. It does not involve much cost, just a little time.
No one has put more time and research into these designs than we have, period.
Look at how the RX can is designed:
We take and purchase and test every can on the market we see, then dissect and determine why some do well, and others do poorly.
Here are how they rank. Any not listed allowed far to much pull through to be considered effective:
Saiku Micchi (SMC)
Elite Engineering's E2
And thats it.
We have the same car we know the amount of blow by and what it produces. We run every can with the RX can behind it so we can measure the primary can and then what the RX caught behind it AFTER it did its best. The RX can will catch nearly as much, or more than almost every can out there AFTER the vapors have already passed the primary can, EXCEPT those listed above as they are also excellent cans we have tested and seen first hand. Now we also do the test in reverse, and the RX catches all, or nearly all the compounds letting none through (unless an excessive blow-by engine then trace amounts do make it past). We have had this challenge out there for years, and all those that have done it independently have seen the same results (most never tell the results afterwards though) and have never been embarrassed (imagine how it would look) by the results.
Want more proof?
Every other can listed is a direct competitor. most very unfriendly to us even though we post they are the best.
Contact Elite Engineering, and ask their opinion of RX's Tracy's engineering knowledge and qualifications on this subject (they are a direct competitor) have done the testing. The Elite is app the same price as the ones that dont function well, and is just about as effective as the RX (the E2 version).
So, try this, email or call Elite direct (the other wont talk about it, or are negative and dismiss the testing) and see what they say.
I can build a race trans good, but I am far from the best, so I defer to the experts I respect. I can tune well, but am far from an expert so I defer to those I do respect as the best. I can build and set up rear diff gears as good as most, but I am far from the best. I have been installing and using Methanol inject systems for ages and know as much as most, but I am far from the best....I consider Julio from Alky Control the best...he has forgotten more than I know. I only claim engine building , forced induction designs, and crankcase evacuation as areas I am considered among the most knowledgeable. And only am above average in engine building so that leaves only 2 areas I am considered, and consider myself one of the authorities in that area.
Hope this helps....and please watch the videos and consider all I am sharing. And those still skeptics, Contact Elite's CEO Steve and ask his opinion. For any others, I know I can't please or convince all, so as this is a free country, use whatever solution you are comfortable with. That is the main thing. Your peace of mind.