This is from LMS
The engines that we have seen fail have come to us as engines being shipped from around the country, not the whole car so we cannot see what exactly the owners of these engines have going on, many of these failures we have seen the owners have not disclosed their mods, nor power level, but based on our experience, and knowledge of these engines we know the range they would be in.
We have only seen a few failures from engines sent to us by other shops, so not that often. We have not yet had a failure with vehicles that we have done and tuned. The way that these vehicles are tuned also plays a huge part into the failures. The ones that we have seen fail are above the 450 Whp mark.
When we tune customer cars we go over all of the risks involved in tuning, and we make our customers aware of these. We then take our knowledge that we have acquired through testing on our own shop cars, and knowledge from OEM durability testing and apply that knowledge to our suggestions. Our goal in this industry is to be the best and offer our customers superior offerings and reliability for their vehicles. To us, reliability means years, and decades of enjoyment, not just a season or two.
We offer and sell components that exceed the power limitation because without them, there would be no expanding of the market. We want people to not reach a ceiling, instead, we offer our information to them to make an educated decision on what is the best route for them. Many of our customers that elected to push the envelope had it in their mindset to build an engine anyways, regardless of if, or when it broke. Being this customer specifically road races the car, we educated him on the reasoning behind scaling the power back to ensure durability, but the upgraded turbos will still have benefits beyond the HP and TQ numbers. And now, when he upgrades his engine after, he can really enjoy those turbos

So you have not had any failure on one of these motors then right? so you are doing it right with your tuning skills and knowledge with them, so why pull back from what other shops are doing wrong with there tuning and not with what your doing right . I guess I just don't want you guys to stop coming out with more refined tunes like you have been just because of other shops because then I feel like Ill be missing out on better/more power just because of these other shops that aren't tuning them correctly. Because Im not very close to you shop, I will only be able to come once maybe twice because of the distance between us But I will eventually when I have a lot more mods done like turbo fuel downpipes etc like you would have to with those types kind of mods.