Here's mine with its 18" winter shoes on and the all seasons 20" off.
2019 Ford Flex Limited (bought this year in August)
Stock for the most part.
Only mods I've done are tint the front windows driver and passenger. Added front and rear dash cams (came in handy when I caught a hit and run of a pedestrian, disgusting that someone did that and drove off, I still haven't heard back from the RCMP if they caught the a-hole in the black caddy).
I am looking to take advantage of some Boxing Day deals for an amp (not sure since I haven't gotten into the audio world in about 17yrs when I was really into it with my old Honda Accord ExR - 1992) and another sub and look into sound deadening, as well...maybe its me, but it pisses me off to see a Grand Cherokee SRT have more power than me, so I am working on getting this beast past the 450hp mark just so I can embarrass some Chrysler/Dodge losers.