Quote from: BlueSHO on November 02, 2022, 11:13:49 PM
Great news and have I read this build thread correct as over 3 years? 
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It's been challenging to say the least.
The failure.
Then my former long time friend and mechanic had moved shops a few times, before becoming sick and ultimately passing away.
Tracking down various parts (due to him moving shops, a pending divorce, then his passing).
Supply chain issues.
Engine builder graciously has stepped in, where the deceased mechanic/friend left off.
Engine builder moved locations. Had employees with health issues (the latter have since recently returned to work and are doing much better).
Continued on going supply chain issues.
Sh!t. You name it, it has happened.
Can't say I haven't gotten discouraged during the span of all of the above, but I keep focused on it ultimately coming back to life one day.
Hasn't helped that a few other close friends and SHO owners have passed away as well during those 3yrs to..... so I focus on it returning to the road / track / and show scene as a tribute to each/all of them.
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